Tuesday 3 August 2010

Connect with FM network goes viral

It’s just four weeks since the launch of Connect with FM, the online network for the facilities management industry, and it has already gone viral. On its first day the site attracted a staggering 100 members and has now reached over 330 and growing all the time. Members come from a wide range of backgrounds from bid management, FM software, engineering, waste management to sustainability, healthcare and consultancy. The sector coverage isn’t the only area in which the spectrum is vast, members who’ve listed their locations on the ‘Where are you?’ group show representation from Baltimore, Southampton, Dubai, New Jersey and beyond.

Since its inception 14 forum discussions have been started, 5 events listed, 8 blogs posted and 62 photos uploaded. There are also 12 groups to join on the site, ranging from FM in the Press to FM ‘Best Practice’, with 155 members collectively. As a social network the site is about participation and invites members to comment, discuss, upload, network and even chat online.

Members can also get involved in the competition to win a Sony Bloggie. All they need to do is invite as many of their friends and colleagues as possible. Whoever brings the most new members to the site wins.

We look forward to seeing how the site evolves as members of the industry realise the benefits of contributing to this online platform.

Introduction Video

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